How can I be instructed by God? The first step for participate a plan of God is to be saved by Jesus Christ. To know the message of salvation is not enough for saving us. We need to obey and submit ourselves to God. The act of obedience is our faith (Acts 16:30-31, John 17:8, Acts 18:8) Accepting Jesus Christ we submitted ourselves to God´s will revealed in the Bible. Holy Spirit convinced us that Jesus is realy alive. Allowing Him to convinced us we submitted to Holy Spirit.
Obedience is the unique way how to collaborate in the God´s plan. (Deuteronomy 27:10, 1.Samuel 12:14, Matthew 19:17) In Psalm 119: 47, 49,167 we read about the love and obedience to God´s word. The obedience shows the love for God (John 14:15)
Why to obey? The obedience is source of blessing (Exodus 15:26, Psalm 1:2, Matthew 5-7, Romans 2:7). The obedience builds God´s kingdom. Disobedience destroys it (Genesis 3:6-19, Romans 5:15-21). Submission of Christ brought forgiveness, deliverence for mankind, restoration of life.
Rebelion of Adam started the reign of death and a curse of everything. God likes obedience. God reacted on the obedience of Christ (John 8:29, Matthew 3:17, Matthew 17:5).
God wants us to know His plan. He promised His guide – Holy Spirit (John 14-16, John 16:7) and the Holy Spirit came (Acts 2). Holy Spirit prays (Romans 8:26-27), gives His gifts (1. Corintians 12:4) and manifests Himself (Matthew 4:1, Acts 8:2, Acts 16:6-10). Also the Word of God is work of the Holy Spirit (2.Peter 1:21) In the light of the Word of God should be judged and confirmed messages awarded to Holy Spirit.