How can God communicate with me? The way most secure and common is the Bible, His written word. It is a message of God to people. It is inspired by the Holy Spirit who is God, who is all-knowing (2.Peter 1:19-21, 2.Timothy 3:16-17). The Holy Spirit can help us to understand it (Luke 4:18, Acts 2:14-21, Matthew 5:5, Exodus 12). The Holy Spirit helps believers to use every day principles written in the Bible (1. Samuel 13:8-14, 15:17-25, Psalm 51). Acts 5:40-42 is a typical example of principle used in Matthew 5:11. Another way God speaks to believers is that He speaks through others (government, family, business, religious community). Each of them has its own responsibility and each of them is recognize in the Bible as a tool of communication used by God (Ephesians 6:1, Romans 13:1, Exodus 18:13-26, 2. Samuel 24:3-4,10). Some of advise should be refused because are in contradiction with the Scripture. Another time is neccesary to consider the character of the person that gives us an advise. God talks openly, straight and without misunderstandings. God speaks through past experiences (Psalm 37:23). God speaks directly. When God talks He is never in contradiction with His Word, the Bible (John 10:4, 10:14-15, Isaiah 8:20, Acts 10:9-33). God talks by vision and voice. In Acts Peter recognized the voice of God and the circumstances confirmed it. Why some don´t hear the voice of God? They refuse the way how God communicates (Hebrew 1:1-3, 2. Kings 5). Don´t refuse the message of God only because the way He communicates it looks strange. To hear God´s voice is neccesary to submit to Him. Disobedience is another reason why people don´t hear God´s voice (Judges 7:1-25). Anybody who submit himself to God and to His will don´t have to have doubts about his own capacity to hear God´s voice. The power to communicate with God doesn´t come from us or our will but from God. God talk to those who are ready to listen.
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