His yoke is easy!
I wondered why sometimes things and situations looked so difficult and why I felt them like a heavy burden that I can´t carry anymore. Jesus said that His yoke is easy! So why I felt pressure on my life even in situations when I knew it was God´s will? His yoke is easy! I´ve found something. It was me who wanted to carry everything alone. It was me who forgot that Jesus is the one who carries the main part. And moreover it was me who added something else sometimes for showing to myself that I could carry more. But Father knows better what is the right messure for me in every moment. He will never overburden me. Being with Jesus in one yoke is God´s plan for me. HIS YOKE IS EASY AND HIS BURDEN IS LIGHT!
Friends, I´m going back home :) Please, pray for me and my partner, we don´t want to miss anything God has prepared for us, we want to fulfill God´s will. Amen!